You can receive ‘HyperBoxed’ files physically (floppy disk, removable cartridge, etc) or download them electronically.
• All the received files should be kept in one folder until you Update the links so HyperBox can find the proper files.
Receiving Files physically
If you received linked files on a floppy disk, Zip cartridge, or other media, then you can open the files on the disk and use the HyperBox links. However, if you want to copy the files to your hard disk, you have two choices:
1) Select ‘Copy Files’ from the HyperBox menu
Specify one of the files you received as the file to copy and a folder on your hard disk as the destination. HyperBox will copy all the files and update the links.
2) Manually drag-copy the files to your hard disk and use the ‘Update Links’ command described next.
Receiving Files electronically
After downloading and de-compressing the files:
1) Select ‘Update Links’ from the HyperBox menu
Specify one of the files you received. HyperBox will Update all the links in all the related files.
Once the links are Updated, you can move and rename the files and HyperBox will maintain the links.